Find the best prices
on over 4 million tokens

Aggregated liquidity,
on-chain and off-chain

Matcha combines liquidity from 100+ exchanges,
intelligently splitting trades across AMM and RFQ for the best prices.

  • zero ex
  • uniswap
  • sushiswap
  • curve
  • gmx
  • traderjoe
  • velodrome
  • +100


  • 4+ million tokens
  • Liquidity from 100+ DEXs
  • AMM and RFQ execution
  • 8+ EVM-compatible chains

built by 0x

0x Logo
  • Optimise trade
    execution with
    statistical models

  • Route around MEV
    to reduce slippage
    by up to 50%

  • Advanced trader?
    Take control of slippage,
    gas, and liquidity sources

Matcha in numbers

The most frictionless trading experience in web3, and the numbers show it.



Trades (30d)

What users are saying
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"I’ve been a Matcha user for a while, but wow, the new version is so fast!"

Peter Haymond

Sr Partnership Manager at Offchain Labs
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"MEV-protection is key in web3 trading. Using a DEX like Matcha could help avoid a lot of money being lost to front-running bots."

Jack Melnick

Senior Manager, Growth BD at Polygon
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"It is the first time I search for a token and find its versions across chains in the dropdown, all together. This is what multi-chain trading looks like."

Dustin Teander

Research at Messari